(Mature) Overrun City

The city closest to the border. It is a city filled with traveling people and inns that hold many of the roughest people in Ighten. It's a good place to find weapons and an even better place to find trouble.
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Re: (Mature) Overrun City

Post by Kyosuke »

Charred black or not, a meal is a meal, and Kyosuke was loathe to throw away food, especially when their bellies were grumbling. The samurai picks up one of the blackened fish and bites into it. "It's not too bad," he says. On the ride to the camp, he had confirmed that the scouts had some rations with them, probably enough for another day of travel if they ate heartily, maybe 2 if they ate sparingly, but he wants to save that for later. The fish probably wouldn't be salvageable for consumption later. "Probably not for another hour or two, but yeah, we shouldn't stay too long he confirms." He looks up and down the stream, guilt is still eating at him, but he has to continue protecting Shinobu as best as he can. "I think we should follow the water, we might find a village next to it somewhere."
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Re: (Mature) Overrun City

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Shinobu nodded, taking a reluctant bite of burned fish. "Sticking to the river would be good to hide our tracks as well encase the soldier's come looking for who killed their scouts and stole the horses." Shinobu fiddled with the saddle as her mind faded back to the terrible look the soldier had given her when he thought she was going to be his prisoner. It made her stomach churn. "Kyosuke," she muttered softly, rubbing her arm absentmindedly. "Why are women so important in war?"
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Re: (Mature) Overrun City

Post by Kyosuke »

Thankfully the stream is shallow enough that the horses can walk in it for a little bit, it's probably a better path than the forest at least. Kyosuke makes his way over to Shinobu as she fiddles with her saddle and helps her get onto it... should she require help at least, then gets on his own horse. But her question earns her a bit of a confused look. "I'm... not entirely sure what you're talking about?" Unless she's talking about the Queens at least, but he doesn't think she is.
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Re: (Mature) Overrun City

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Shinobu smiles, throwing off the frown. "Nothing," she tells him. "Its nothing really."

She follows behind Kyosuke slightly, letting him lead the way down the stream. "Its a pretty day," she muses to herself. The sun is high in the sky, and the water glistens as they ride along it. Though, she had a bath the night before the coolness of the water makes her long for another swim.
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Re: (Mature) Overrun City

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Kyosuke looks a little more confused, then shrugs as they walk the horses upriver. "It is," Kyosuke agrees, somewhat quieter than normal. Of course, that might be because he's eating another skewer of burnt fish, but he might not be at 100% either. Then again, looking as he did, it would be hard to be at 100%. The samurai may or may not have had an ulterior motive for traveling with the river. He actually does want to take a bath tonight.
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Re: (Mature) Overrun City

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They ride, and day turns to evening, and finally to night. "Maybe we should stop now?" Shinobu asks as she turns her eyes up to the moon. Its nearly full. The stars are like thousands upon thousands of diamonds. "At least we have blankets for the night! Something nice to wrap up in, and food... food is nice."

Se stretches her arms above her head and yawns.
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Re: (Mature) Overrun City

Post by Kyosuke »

By the time night falls, Kyosuke is a little more comfortable with their situation. He doesn't know the lay of the land, but he does know that they're moving away from Hepian, and hopefully out of the range of Arken's scouts. Now he only has to watch out for bandits, but thankfully none have bothered them, despite their horses splashing through the water.

"True, let's fish a little more in the morning though. Hopefully we won't get interrupted this time," Kyosuke says. The hours have made his guilt fade away a little. After all, they managed to get out of the situation safely. But he still has one thing to take care of. "But first... I need to take a bath, I think the flies are going to start bothering me soon." He's spent more than a day covered in blood and dirt, reeking of smoke, and his Ongoreth sensibilities are getting to him.
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Re: (Mature) Overrun City

Post by Emora Deen »

Shinobu smiled as she dismounted and pulled her horse towards a low lying branch. "That is a good idea," she told him with a laugh. "I would like to sleep next to a decent smelling man." She smiled warmly at him, pulling off the saddle bag that held the blanket. She took it and draped it over a patch of earth, not nearly as soft as what they'd laid on the night before. She knew she'd probably be sore the next morning.
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Re: (Mature) Overrun City

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Kyosuke manages a soft chuckle, then begins to remove his clothing. One by one, he washes a piece of removed clothing, then hangs it on a nearby branch to dry, preserving his modesty until the end. It's... a little different tonight, while the moon is full above them, and the samurai is almost shy about his nudity.
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Re: (Mature) Overrun City

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Shinobu can almost read his body language, so she lies across the blanket to where she faces slightly away from him. She listens to the sound of the water, and rolls over onto her back to watch the night sky. Her eyes glance to Kyosuke as he bathes.

"Feels good to get clean, doesn't it?" she asks him with a smile, gazing back at the stars.
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Re: (Mature) Overrun City

Post by Kyosuke »

Kyosuke is a little shyish, but not completely so, at least not after he slides into the water and emerges. "Yeah, I think they actually had a little soap in their saddlebags, could you toss it to me?" The scouts had apparently left with some basic supplies, prepared for a few situations. Maybe they were more boy scouts than Arken scouts. But yes, soap was something Kyosuke would be glad to have. He doesn't think water alone is enough to wash two days worth of filth and grime away from his body.
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Re: (Mature) Overrun City

Post by Emora Deen »

"Not fair," Shinobu laughs as she stands to get the soap. "I did not have the convenience of soap last night." She riffles through the bag until she finds the soap. Shinobu walks it to the edge of the river, smiling at Kyosuke as she hands it out to him. After a second for him to ready, she tosses it the short distance to him.
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Re: (Mature) Overrun City

Post by Kyosuke »

"Well... you can always take another bath," Kyosuke points out. The bar of soap is enough for quite a few more uses... though the samurai probably plans on scrubbing himself nice and clean tonight so half the bar will be gone. As soon as he has it, he immediately starts on the scrubbing.
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Re: (Mature) Overrun City

Post by Emora Deen »

Shinobu bites her bottom lip, knowing that it probably spells trouble for her to get in with him. Especially after the night before. She contemplates it, and after a few wondering thoughts she reaches to the sash around her waist and begins to slip the layers of clothing off. She drapes her warm kimono over a limb and slowly descends into the water.

Shinobu swims while Kyosuke washes, enjoying the feel of the water gliding over her. It is cool and refreshing, but she knows the night air will be cold.
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Re: (Mature) Overrun City

Post by Kyosuke »

Kyosuke isn't entirely sure what Shinobu will do. He probably would have invited her in one way or the other, remembering the look she had given the water earlier. The soap was just the kicker, and he looks away respectfully while she removes her clothing, trying to ignore the stirring of his desires at hearing her clothing shuffle around again. He instead concentrates on scrubbing himself clean, and when he hears Shinobu slide into the water, he turns to offer her the soap. "Here you go."
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