Name: Vairah d'Freyn
Gender: Female
Age: Vairah appears to be in her twenties, is actually in her thirties, and refuses to give any specifics.
Race: Half-Drow (also half-human)
Job/Class: Mage
Power: Vairah can't actually do much in the way of offensive or defensive magic. The bulk of her power is in her ability to create incredibly realistic illusions, and she can sustain them for up to 6 hours without adverse effect (in extreme cases, she can hold out for 8, but this gives her terrible headaches). She knows which end of the knife is for stabbing, but not much else as far as physical combat goes.
Appearance: She resembles a full-blooded drow in most respects; though her ears are not quite as pointed and her features are not quite as angular as those of her mother's kin, her skin is still black, her hair is still white, and her eyes, though a casual observer might call them brown, are more than a little red in hue. She's 5'7" and quite slender, her appearance suggesting a natural grace she doesn't quite have. She dresses modestly and keeps her hair cut short of shoulder-length.
Weaknesses: Though her resistance to magic is fairly strong, she's absolutely defenseless against most kinds of weapons - and doesn't care, considering physical combat to be barbaric and far beneath her dignity. Bright lights, overextension of her abilities, and being angry over long periods of time give her debilitating migraines.
Biography: Vairah's mother Erezia was a thrill-seeking drow woman and her unknown father was a jaded human. Erezia thought it might be fun to seduce a human, and he complied out of sheer boredom. When Erezia discovered that she was pregnant, she considered ridding herself of the child through some spell or other, but decided eventually that it might be more interesting if she didn't. Vairah was born and lived out her early years under Arken training as an illusionist, having showed glimmers of magical ability at an early age. Erezia then sent her daughter to the surface, thinking Vairah's human blood would reduce her weakness to light and enable her to work as a spy for her family. Once on the surface, however, Vairah lost any such inclination. These days she mostly wanders around using her illusions to con people out of their money and making a study of human art and literature, as she confesses she finds their culture fascinating.
Personality: An academic at heart, Vairah seeks always to improve her understanding of just about everything. Because she is intelligent and skilled, she's a bit of an elitist and holds the vast majority of the population in deepest contempt, partly as compensation for the fact that they will never accept her. She aspires to a level of scholarly detachment, wanting to believe she operates on a purely logical level in the absence of morality or emotion. However, she's too angry all the time for this to come to pass any time in the foreseeable future. She can be extremely sarcastic and cynical, which may not be unwarranted given that her mother's people want to use her as a pawn and her father's people often hate and fear her. She's also, oddly enough, quite a prude.
Vairah d'Freyn
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