Hikari Ayama

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Emora Deen
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Hikari Ayama

Post by Emora Deen »

1)Name – Hikari Ayama

2) Gender- female

3) Age - 16

4) Race – human

5) Job/Class – Daughter of a clan leader. Her self proclaimed job at the moment is to throw off any person who comes to her father asking for her hand in marriage. Hikari would rather study to be a ninja or something of that sort. Something exciting!

6) Power -

7) Appearance – Hikari is 5’ 3” with long black shiny hair that cascades down her back unless it’s pulled into a braid/bun/anything that might be worn for a special occasion and such. She weighs no little and hardly any more than 115 pounds. She’s small petite, but her body isn’t built like a little boy or girls. She has curves that would reveal to anyone looking that she is indeed a girl. Her face is round and smooth, her eyes deep and brown. She almost always has a light rose tint to her cheeks which makes many people believe that she is ALWAYS embarrassed by something. Hikari has a long scar going down the side of her right arm from her shoulder almost to her elbow. It was where her father was being attacked and she jumped in the way of the thief’s blade before he could manage to slice into her father.

8) Weaknesses- Hikari, though she doesn’t think so, has led a sheltered life. She hasn’t been able to go about things like normal people. She knows how to fight a good deal, enough to get her out of a one man situation. But, more than one person would be the death of her. She doesn’t like to get dirty and if she does she complains a bit too much, to the point of being very annoying.

9) Biography – Hikari was born into a wealthy family. She was given beautiful kimonos and combs and a nice meals. She was given anything she wanted. She went to school to learn to read and write. They taught her to paint and sing. They taught her too cook and clean. They taught her anything really that would help her to one day be a good wife.

But Hikari didn’t want her life to be just growing up to be a wife. She wanted more out of it. She wanted to learn to fight and join up with any group that might be able to get her out of where she was. It wasn’t a bad place at all… maybe Hikari was a little ungrateful for the things she had been given and always wanted more.

She talked some of her guard friends to teach her to defend herself. “What happens if you get knocked out!” she would tell them. They explained enough for her to know how to fight off at least one person.

When she was 14 it seemed some people took interest in her as a future wife. She felt dragged down and horrible. She didn’t want to be a wife at 14! So she did everything possible to make herself seem unworthy of being a wife. She painted ugly pictures. She cooked bad food. She through all manners a side until the man left.

Her parents grew angry with her and said that she would not be able to do such a thing for long. Hikari vowed though that she would do so until the moment she found someone she wanted to marry.

At 16 finally a man of her father’s dreams has come along to marry Hikari. Hikari has tried all the things she used to do that drove men away but this one just refuses to go away. On the day she was to be married Hikari ran away in her wedding kimono…

10) Personality – Hikari is the type of girl that laughs when people fall, but cries when they laugh at her. She doesn’t really mean to laugh at them, but when they laugh at her she feels hurt. She’s very emotional and takes the least little thing to heart. You could be joking and until you say, “I was joking!” she well be very upset. She’s not the most fearless person in the world, but she will try and act as brave as possible until she can’t hold in her fear any longer. Then she becomes as meek as a mouse. She tries to be brave and when the adrenalin is pumping she is probably the bravest person you will ever meet since she doesn’t think of what she is doing until AFTERWARDS.

11) Extras
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Post by Soran Nightblade »

GREAT character!!

\(^_^)/ Approval
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I approve of this character.
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