Lore: Searching- part 2

This is the only known desert in Heirot. It is a waste land that leads to Mount May'em. The sun is boiling hot in the day and in the night it is freezing cold. When it rains, if it rains, then if you were to taste the water it would be poison.

Post by Mizuki »

Mitsukai shook her head. "I would if I could but..." she flexed her wing painfully. "I'm... how you say... "clipped"... I couldn't fly us out of the desert like this." She showed him her mangled wing. It would never heal right.

Elegorh awoke in his tent and rubbed his eyes. 'What possesed me to sleep in?' he cursed himself and sat up, bar chested. The spider web like scars on his bare back suggested the once there presence of wings. Elegorh stared blankly at the one white wall of the tent and thought of Mitsukai. 'For a fallen she's full of life... Feh, why am I thinking of her? She's a woman.' he thought in distaste but her face still lingered at the back of his mind.

Post by Meagan »

Skye shrugged and looked at the wing. He hadn't noticed how bad it looked before.

"Does it hurt?" he asked. There was worry in his voice, and he had nearly forgotten about Vertrouwen, but figured he had porbably went to a tent to rest by now anyway.

He grabbed her wing gently and looked over the wound. It looked awful. 'That just pisses me off' he thought. He held her in an embrace and buried his fingers into her tangled hair. He knew it probably depressed her that she couldn't fly anymore. He remembered how she had shown them off in front of him. Using her magic to lift him off the ground and fly away.

No more of that.

Skye brushed his lips over hers and looked into her eyes. "It's okay, right? We're going to do just fine. We're going to beat this man, and no one will hurt you again." He smiled at her and held her closer.

Post by Meagan »

Surprised that he was still there, Skye turned his head to face him. He still held Mitsukai with her head against his muscular chest

"Yes, but you've nothing to worry about. Mitsukai and I will fight him. He should pay no attention to you."

Post by Mizuki »

Mitsukai buried her face in Skye's chest.

"I don't normally fight outsiders to my cause but... you volunteered." Elegorh came out from his tent, an icy glare in his eyes. He did not like that someone else had found the camp. Mitsukai shuddered in fear of his voice.

Post by Meagan »

Skye narrowed his eyes at the man. Compassion turned to anger. Love to hate. He still didn't let Mitsukai go. He felt her shudder and her fear. That man would pay for that. For scaring Mitsukai. For damaging her wing. For taking sport out of killing them. And mostly, for just plain being alive.

He turned to Vertrouwen and mouthed the word "thanks." They didn't really need the help, but he appreciated that he would considering that they had just met moments ago.

"We're ready when you are," he said to him.

Post by Mizuki »

Elegorh smirked at Skye. "Mitsukai, do you feel up to fighting me for your life now?"

Mitsukai shuddered. 'This man radiates evil.' she thought, but turned brave eyes to him. In the process she stepped away from Skye.

"Yes. One these terms: You will leave Skye and this man be unless they attacl you as well." she said sternly, she really didn't want them involved but she knew Skye would jump in no matter what. Elegorh laughed, he accepted them but knew what would happen. He'd kill all 3.

Post by Meagan »

Skye could feel that Mitsukai was afraid. He wasn't, and he had to let her know that there was nothing to be afraid of.

"Okay, okay, whatever." Skye said. "This shouldn't take too terribly long."

Skye smiled and steeped up to where Mitsukai stood. He quickly whispered that it would be okay, but he said it so quickly it probably sounded like jibberish.

Skye took the first move and swung his fist as hard as he could under the man's sternum which would knock the breath out of him and give Mitsukai time to perform her magic.

Post by Mizuki »

Elegorh sidestepped Skye's attack so easily that it tripped up the boy. Smirking, Elegorh landed a blow at the back of Skye's head to knock him out, then he leapt forward for Mitsukai but she was already attacking him.

Mitsukai held up a sword of wood, created from a tree branch but it would do some good. Mitsukai lunged for Elegorh, her stick/sword drawn, and hit him with it hard. For some time their battle consited of doudging and hitting at random since Mitsukai was so enraged that Elegorh hurt Skye.

Post by Meagan »

Skye sat up and held his head for a little while. He felt a little dizzy then got back up. He realized he had no weapons.

'Damn it' he thought.

Then, he remembered the bow that he had used to shoot Mitsukai. He had very good aim. His chances of hitting her on accident were a thousand to none. He ran inside Elegorh's tent and started looking for the bow.
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Post by Kyosuke »

Leydon Godwind, a young elf of 173 with a huge sword strapped on his back, was travelling. He was not travelling by conventional means however, doing that would require him to walk, and the elf didn't want to do that. Instead, he looked at his next destination and traced a rune in the air, which glowed white for a moment before making him disappear.

He repeated this process, over and over again, making sure to warp within range of his vision so he would have a clear visualization of his next destination, which was further and further into the forest. However, he got tired of visualizing things in such detail and decided to just picture a body of water with some trees around it.

Blinking, he soon found himself in midair above what seemed to be an oasis in the middle of the desert. "Where'd the forest go!?" he asked himself, half panicked, before realizing that he was now falling towards what seemed to be a heated battle.

Post by Mizuki »

Elegorh had managed to berak Mitsukai's 'weapon' and she dropped it, then turned one peice into a venomous snake. Glaring, she hurled the snake at Elegorh. Elegorh smirked and put two fingers to his lips and blew into them, causing a flame to erupt from his fingers and scortch the snake into ashes on the sand.

"Nice try." he smirked then kicked sand up in Mitsukai's face while she was distracted by his move.

"AH!" Mitsukai yelped and fell on her bottom trying to get the sand from her eyes. Elegorh stood over her, a wicked smile on his face as he gripped her hands tightly over her head and drove her backwards.

"The funny thing about women is," Elegorh told her, his eyes becoming insane. "They're much more prettier when taken by force! Just look at you." He had her on her back now, her arms painfully pinned over her head and she tried desparatly to not look him in the eyes. Elegorh laughed. "Do you realize who I am now?"

"You are Elegorh, assassin of the Fallens." Mitsukai said to him with all her malice, it was his eyes boring into her own likethey knew w icked secret that made Mitsukai remember. "You were a Fallen yourself until you cut off your own wings and became cursed. One look in your eyes turns your opponent into stone."

Elegorh laughed, pleased that she knew all of this. But he didn't plan to look her in the eyes and cast that spell. No, he planed to rape her, then kill her, then rape her dead body.

Post by Meagan »


Skye heard Mitsukai scream. 'FORGET THE DAMN ARROW!' he thought to himself. Then he found a feild knife. He smiled and ran out of the tent and towards Elegorh. He knew what he was doing was stupid, considering that he knew no good magic. And Elegorh, from what he just heard Mitsukai say, was also a Fallen and was just as powerful as she was. He knocked Elegorh in the head, knocking him down, and shoved the field knife into his lung. He hardly missed his heart.
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Post by Kyosuke »

Leydon flailed his arms around as he continued to fall through the sky. Realizing that he would hit the ground at speeds he wouldn't survive. Sighing, he traced a rune into the air, though he didn't feel like moving his fingers, and his fall began slowing. He would still hit the ground with a lot of force, but it wouldn't kill him.

He looked down to watch his descent and saw that he would hit the man that seemed to be beating the woman with black wings. Shrugging, he figured that if he landed on the man, at least it would provide good cushioning for his fall.

Post by Meagan »

Skye stepped back, shocked, and watched Elegorh as a man fell from the sky and landed on top of him. Out of the sky! He shook his head and rubbed his eyes in case he was going crazy from when he got hit in the head. But it really happened. A man fell from the sky and landed on Elegorh!

"Uh, decide to drop in?" Skye asked him.

Post by Mizuki »

Elegorh grunted in pain from the knife and had just pulled it out when a man fell on his head and snapped his neck, which is something that should kill him. Mitsukai was still lying in the sand, red marks on her wrists from Elegorh's grip. She whimmpered to Skye and looked at him with pleading eyes. She was so stunned by Elegorh's sudden evil force that she couldn't move.

From beneath the man, Elegorh's body was healing itself...
Last edited by Mizuki on Wed Oct 05, 2005 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.