Lore: Searching- part 2

This is the only known desert in Heirot. It is a waste land that leads to Mount May'em. The sun is boiling hot in the day and in the night it is freezing cold. When it rains, if it rains, then if you were to taste the water it would be poison.

Post by Meagan »

The pain was gone. So suddenly. Then he looked down and saw Mitsukai. She was tending to his wound. His body was laying in the sand as he looked down on it.


Was he dead? He looked down and saw himself...and his other self.

I'm dead! he thought. The fear hit him. This man would kill Mitsukai. He thought nothing of himself. But, maybe she could bring him back to life real quick.

Mitsukai! he screamed, but no sound came out. Mitsukai! Come on, baby. Please!

Post by Mizuki »

Mitsukai looked at the man after binding her wounds. She tried to figure him out, but she couldn't. 'He could've killed me... us... But he wants a sport out of it... why do I have to die?!' she thought disstressed.

The man watched her closely, there was something about her that he suddenly felt sorry for having to kill her, but he shook his head fiercly. 'I have no emtotion to spare on such filth.' he thought.

"What's taking you so long?!" an angry voice peirced his thoughts and he flinched.

"I apologize... I want some sport out of this..." he answered telephatically and he heard an angry sigh. The connection went dead... the man knew he would have to kill her soon or suffer his own life. No one had paitence anymore. He walked over to them and bowed to Mitsukai. She glared at him trying to figure out his game.

"I figure we should wait until your lover recovers, and you yourself." he said, a mocking smile on his lips. Mitsukai glared at him.

"What's your name?" she asked him.

"Does that really matter now?" Mitsukai gave him a deadly looked and he chuckled. "Fine Fine. My name is Elgorh, the Black assassin." Mitsukai pondered his name and it flickered a memory...somewhere. "Get in a tent and rest with him before we start our battle, I want a good one." He walked away and left Mitsukai to carry Skye into a tent. When she managed it she fell asleep holding him, wondering why his name sounded familiar.

Post by Meagan »

Skye watched Mitsukai carry him into a tent. So, he wasn't dead? Just having an out-of-body experience? He shrugged and went inside the tent.

After a while of watching Mitsukai sleep, he felt strange all of the sudden. Then he felt himself whirling and spinning and he was back in his body. He opened his eyes and looked at Mitsukai.

"I'm back!" he thought out loud.

He kissed her on top of the head and ran his fingers through her hair.

"I love you." he said getting up, trying not to wake her. He was going to stay up all might to make sure that man didn't come in.

Post by Mizuki »

Mitsukai slept somewhat peacefully. She still worried over Skye in her dreams, but what troubled her more was that man, Elgorh. His name was familiar...

She felt Skye's fingertips and his lips but she only moved slightly in her sleep. The man kept a watch on their tent from his, he was deep in meditation. He saw how affectionate Skye was over Mitsukai... he'd probably get himself killed trying to protect her from him. Elgorh smiled wickedly at the thought. He could kill two birds with one stone if Skye played into his hands right.

Post by Meagan »

Skye was so tired, but didn't want to sleep. Then he thought again of Mitsukai. If he was still as tired as he was in the morning when that guy fought her, he wouldn't be able to protect her. He needed to sleep. He layed down next to her and kissed her cheek. He fell asleep almost immediantly and spent the whole night with both of his arms around her.

Post by Mizuki »

Elegorh was becoming impaitent. Anxious for his fight with the Fallen... 'How long could it take her to heal properly?' he thought and he unconciously slipped into a dreamless sleep.

Mitsukai awoke in Skye's arms and snuggled next to him. Desert nights were cold, but dawn was slowly apporaching. Her wound was healing under the bandage, but her wing was damaged, she would never be able to fly long distances again. If they survived this... they would have to fly to the town then get a carriage...

Post by Meagan »

"Good Morning," Skye whispered sleepily as he heard Mitsukai wake up. "I love you."

He stretched and yawned and held her against his hard muscular chest. His tousled hair fell around his face before he tucked it behind his ears and kissed her temple.

"Are you feeling any better?" he asked worried about her wounds. Then, he looked outside and saw that it was hardly dawn yet. "Hmm...We should get back to sleep."

Post by Mizuki »

Mitsukai snuggled againt him. "Mmmmm..." she muttered, she was still half asleep. "I'll be fine..." She fell back alseep in his arms, hoping tomorrow would never come. But Fate was always wicked...

Post by Meagan »

Time passed quickly, and what was now day was already getting hotter. Skye wanted to stay like this forever. Cuddling with Mitsukai. He wondered if she was awake. Whenever she woke up, he would have to tell her about his out-of-body experience and how he thought he was dead. He laughed at himself and started scratching her back.

Post by Meagan »

Skye was about to wake Mitsukai up when he thought he heard something. Or someone. His first thuoght was that it was the man who - whatever his name was - shot Mitsukai and wanted to kill her. He easily got up, making as little noise as possible, and peeked outside. He saw a a man by the water, but it wasn't who he thought it was.

'And who is this?' Skye thought silently.

He stood there for a moment and watched him suspiciously when he realized that the man was looking his way. He stepped out of the tent casually and continued to watch him. He didn't want to call after him and wake Mitsukai up.

Post by Meagan »

Skye knew he could trust him. He didn't know why, but there was something about him that he knew he liked. He figured he would let him use a tent just to piss the other guy - whoever he was - off.

"Sure. Why not."

He felt a tad guilty, though. If the man who had led them here found him, he would kill him. But, if he had made it through the desert and found this place as he did, and of course, he and Mitsukai would also be fighting him, he forgot about it.

But since he was annoyed that he didn't know anyone's name anymore, he asked, "So, who are you? I'm Skye. Mitsukai's still asleep." He gestured towards the tent as he spoke.

Post by Mizuki »

Mitsukai woke up to the sound of voices. Her side was healed, thanks to her Angel blood, but her wings was mangled. She sat up stiffly and cracked her back, her breasts straining against the dresses material. Turning, she cralwed out of the tent only to come in contact with Skye's legs.

"Ah.." she squeaked softly then touched his leg gently. She remembered he had been bitten. "Skye..."

Elegorh stayed asleep in his tent, he never slept past dawn... this was the first time.

Post by Meagan »

Skye laughed a bit and answered, "She was wounded yesterday. An arrow. But she's okay. Just-"
He broke off when he felt her touch his leg and say his name.

"Ah...sorry, baby. Did we wake you up?"

He bent down to kiss her forehead and check her wound. He was that it was better and brushed some of her tangled hair out of her face. She had serious bed-head.

"I see you slept well," he chuckled.

Post by Mizuki »

Mitsukai smiled sleeply. She grabbed his arm and used him to help herself to her feet. She still clutched his arm and leaned her head against him and stared sleepily at the stranger.

"Is that a 'nother man out to kill me?" she asked, to dazed to really care about her choice of words.

Post by Meagan »

"No," he laughed again. "This is Vertrouwen. Just met him."

Skye knew he was porbably wondering what Mitsukai meant when she asked if he was another man out to kill her.

"Uh..long story short...There's a guy in one of these tents - the one who shot her with the arrow - who wants to kill both of us because she's a fallen angel."

Skye thought about what he said a minute and looked at Mitsukai.

"Uh, you know...if that idiot's still asleep, we could just leave."